10805 Main St. Huntley, IL 60142

July Note

From Pastor Mark

50 Year Celebration of ELCA World Hunger Appeal

July is going to be wonderful here at SOTP.  Vacation Bible School kicks off on July 8.  Our missionary from Tanzania, Daudi Msseemmaa, will be joining us for worship on Sunday, July 21 and throughout July we will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of ELCA World Hunger with Christmas in July.  Please know how thankful I am for your spirit of generosity which wells up through this worshiping community.

In 2 Corinthians 8, Paul writes about the generosity of the Macedonian churches. He uses the Macedonian church as an example of joyous generosity which overflows in the manner in which he experienced in their living out the Gospel.  Paul points out that they pray first and then, despite their poverty, offer gifts and service to the church in Jerusalem.

Paul is writing to the Corinthians, who (despite their plentiful resources) are not so quick to make a donation. Paul tells them that the Macedonians’ overflowing joy has welled up in rich generosity. They have given as much as they’re able, and even beyond their ability, entirely on their own. They really want the privilege of sharing.

Why do they want so badly to share the little that they have with strangers? Where does that impulse come from? How can prayer help?

Paul goes on to write that it’s as important to excel in the grace of giving as it is to excel in other areas of faith, knowledge, earnestness, and love.

If our spirit is willing, writes Paul, our gift is acceptable according to what we have, not what we do not have. In other words, it’s not about the amount.

It’s about your heart. Where is your heart?

Can you give of yourself freely, because you want to? Not because you ought to?

Have you ever sought out people in your family or your neighborhood that you can help? Taken part in “random acts of kindness”? Do you take inventory of what you possess that you can share with others? Where can you invest your time and talent?

There are many places in the world that need our generous giving.  As we have done in the past we are celebrating “Christmas in July.”  ELCA World Hunger appeal is celebrating 50 years of a wonderful partnership in caring for those who are hungry.  This is one of the many ways you might experience the joy of giving as our Macedonian siblings exampled to the Apostle Paul long ago.

Imagine that Paul is writing directly to us, instead of the Corinthians, saying, “Hey! You are blessed to be a blessing! Open your heart, and give freely what has so freely been given to you!”

Blessings to you this month as we are blessed to see beyond the walls of SOTP and experience first hand the work of the larger church!

Pastor Mark

Email Pastor Mark:  pastormark@sotpmail.com